Choosing a topic
This proved to be quite difficult for me. I looked into the topic of birth defects, marijuana use, air pollution, and finally I decided on the topic of pesticide exposure. As we discussed in class, a good topic is one that invites debate and one that holds a lot of research behind it. The reason that I chose pesticide exposure is because there is some debate over whether organic food is truly better than regular food and the effects of pesticides on human health are controversial. Although food-related exposure is important I will also try to talk about other routes of pesticide exposure such as residential and occupational exposure. I believe that this topic will be a good one because I found a lot of articles speaking of this issue, however, most of the articles that I found were from the Knowledge Center website and not from the American Journal of Public Health.
Main Article
One article that I found from the American Journal of Public Health is titled "Acute Hazards to Young Children From Residential Pesticide Exposures" by Monica F. Spann et al. This article is a study conveying the hazards of pesticide exposure to young children and the related effects. The methods of this study were to assess the outcome of exposure to toxins classified under acute toxicity in reports of children 6 and younger. The results were that children with exposure to these pesticides had serious medical outcomes and that children 2 years of age and younger were most commonly exposed.
This article is significant to my research because it talks about residential exposure to pesticides via cleaning chemicals, etc. These are things that most of us are exposed to on a regular basis.
Acute hazards to young children from residential pesticide exposures. (2000). American Journal of Public Health,90(6), 971-973. doi:10.2105/ajph.90.6.971